Challenge #1
March, 22nd 2021

The objective of this roundtable is to break the stereotypes around the paradox between entrepreneurship and sustainability. By definition, entrepreneurship should be in contradiction with sustainability, because producing wealth is damaging the earth. Yet, it is unrealistic to expect a world without entrepreneurs and not desirable also since growth is mandatory for the development of a country and to erase poverty.
Therefore, social entrepreneurship is necessary in order to combine the two notions. But how is it fair to ask a young person to sacrifice its profit in order for their business to respect sustainable criterion when older business didn’t have to take that into account? What is the limit? That will be the whole point of this roundtable. Besides, there will be a specific focus on the blue economy because of the growing place it’s taking nowadays.
The 10 statements of this round-table


Marion Le Mogne
Marion has been a participant in the third season of the incubation program of AYCH in Brest. She has entered the program with a project of a third place. She is now following a diploma at the Fablab of the University of Brest (UBO Open Factory) on sustainable entrepreneurship in a world in transition. She is very interested in sharing, sustainability and the new entrepreneurship.

Sylvain Pinotie
Sylvain is an AYCH ambassador. Sylvain participated in the first season of the incubation program of AYCH in Brest with a serious game. He is a young createur of board games whose objective is to raise public awareness on contemporary issues. He is now working on the development of two serious games about the blue economy in collaboration with scientific organisations. He is interested in facilitation, sharing information to the public and raising awareness on important topics.

Hugh McCann
Southwest based artist, with an interest in wellbeing, public space, technology and participation. Hugh is also a co-founding director of Alright Mate? CIC, which uses participatory arts projects to de-stigmatise male mental health.

Laura Mo
Co-founder of HydroEco, a youth run business creating disable-friendly water bottle attachments. She is also an AYCH intern at Space PSM